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Public Servants

David Weiss - Jewish Firefighter NYFD

David Weiss was one of three Jewish New York City firefighters to die on 9/11/01 at the World Trade Center

Born: July 21, 1960 - Freeport, Long Island, NY
Died: September 11, 2001 - New York, New York

David Weiss, NYFD 9/11
David Weiss, NYFD 9/11
David Weiss was one of three Jewish New York City firefighters to die on September 11, 2001 at the World Trade Center. What follows is a profile written about Weiss in The New York Times:

David Martin Weiss, a New York City firefighter, was built like a fire-plug. He stood 5-foot-10 and weighed 225 pounds. He was all muscle, with biceps as big as the thigh of a medium-build woman.

He was bulldozer strong. He looked as tough as he sounded. His head was shaved and his body was covered in tattoos. He drove Harleys.

He was an ironworker before he became a firefighter 13 years ago. He blended both experiences to become a member of the Fire Department's elite force. He joined Rescue Company 1 in Times Square about six years ago after receiving a medal for a rescue attempt - a man's car careered off Franklin D. Roosevelt Drive and plunged into the East River. Mr. Weiss, off duty, stopped his car, climbed down the iron trestles of the elevated highway and jumped into the river to rescue the driver, whose heart had given out.

"He just jumped, knowing that he was the person's only hope," said Thor Johannnesen, a firefighter.

Mr. Weiss, 41, of Maybrook, NY, had a mean sense of humor, "If he saw a thread, he knew how to pull it to unravel the whole shirt," said Joel Kanasky, another firefighter. "He was the king of that."

—The New York Times, November 4, 2001, "All Muscle and Heart"

Interesting Facts
  • Weiss was a member of the Ner Tamid Society, which is a fraternal organization for Jewish firefighters. The organization had 1,000 members after World War I and today is down to 300.
Further Reading
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Meyer, Daniel. "David Weiss - Jewish Firefighter NYFD." J-Grit: The Internet Index of Tough Jews.